Monday June 15, 2015
1. Spelling:
Write 10 times mistakes from
2. Cambridge:
Study letter from extensive reading page 116 f&f book
and write the part you like the most on classwork.
3. Grammar: Write he meaning and a sentence with each verb in
past participle to wash, to calm, to
take, to climb, to know.
4. Drill:
Study drill from page 5 contract
Parent´s signature
Tuesday June 16, 2015
1. Spelling: Write 10 times mistakes from dictation.
2. Grammar:
Write in each tense (present,
past, past participle) each verb: to
swim, to shake, to count, to stand, to drink.
3. Math:
Study drill from contract.
4. Composition:
Investigate about history of USA
flag with images on classwork.
Wednesday June 17, 2015
1. Spelling: Write 10 times mistakes from dictation.
2. Drill:
Study drill from contract “would you like to”
3. Grammar
book: Study page 89
exercise 5 “question tags”.
4. Listening:
Listen and sing track 99
from CD family & friends book page 115 “I
wish I was on holiday”.
Parent´s signature
Thursday June 18,
1. Spelling: Write 10 times mistakes from paragraph.
2. Drill:
Study drill from classwork.
3. Composition:
Investigate the meaning on a
dictionary the next words: international,
century, dominant, continent, altogether, population, product. Write a
sentence in present continuous.
4. Tablet:
Investigate the states of USA, capital of the country
and capital of each state, illustrated with images, save it as a new document
in power point.
Parent´s signature
Friday June 19, 2015
1. Grammar: Study review exercise for exam.
2. Composition: Study your paragraph for exam.
3. Spelling: Write 10 times mistakes from dictation.
4. Drill: Study drill from classwork.
Parent´s signature
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